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SMARThivDATABASE Project Links
SMARThivDATABASE Project : A nonB HIV-1 and HIV-2 Focused Web-based Database For The Developing World
We propose a web-based database for systematically monitoring nonB subtypes of the Human Immunodeficiency type 1 virus (HIV-1), in the developing world. We include HIV-2, prevalent primarily in the developing world, in our database. SMARThivDATABASE will provide detailed data on drug resistance of HIV-2 and nonB subtypes of HIV-1.
We previously proposed an HIV drug resistance monitoring system , for the developing world: SMARThivDRmos. [1] SMARThivDRmos is a complexity free and cost effective system tailored to the expertise level and economy of the resource-poor settings. SMARThivDRmos achieves large scale implementation of HIV drug resistance monitoring in the developing world, by transferring complex steps to computer execution. Phase I of the clinical trials of the SMARThivDRmos system, conducted in the Biotech tropicana,IncGROUP Laboratories, [2;3;4] set the grounds for immediate implementation of the SMARThivDRmos system, in the developing world, and the Biotech tropicana Systems initiated the implementation process of SMARThivDRmos. Data on HIV drug resistance is scarce, in the developing world. Large scale implementation of SMARThivDRmos will generate large amount of on HIV drug resistance data, in the developing world. A computerized database for the management of such large amount of data becomes imperative, commending the lunching of the SMARThivDATABASE Project.
Previous work on nonB HIV-1 subtypes and on the computerized management of HIV data, conducted in the developed world, highlight the importance of monitoring drug resistance of nonB HIV-1 subtypes, and making the making the accumulated data accessible to the scientific community, through the world wide web. Pioneering work conducted in the laboratory of Professor Susan Heshleman at Johh Hopkins University, USA, on drug resistance of nonB subtypes of HIV-1 in the developing world, highlight the complex relationship between technology standardization and variation in HIV subtype distribution. [5;6] Professor Shafer’s group at stanford University, USA, demonstrated that research on HIV drug resistance may be substantially promoted using web-based database systems, [7], and the group of Professor Calestous Juma at the Kennedy School of Government’s Belfer Center for Sciences and International Affairs, at Harvard University, USA, recommended the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), for a global sharing of scientific knowledge. [8]
Systematic monitoring of drug resistance in the developing world, is useful not only for individual patient treatment support, but also for the pharmaceutical industry in designing drug development strategies, developing world governments in developing drug purchase strategies, and developed world governments in designing drug donation strategies to the developing world. In response to the importance of a systematic drug resistance monitoring, drug resistance monitoring communities have been established in the United States of America, [9], and the World Health Organization established a global community for a computerized monitoring of HIV drug resistance. [10] . The Biotech tropicana SMARThivDATABASE will systematically organize HIV drug resistance data generated through the implementation of the Biotech tropicana SMARThivDRmos, and will promote HIV drug resistance study by making these data accessible to the scientific community through linkages to existing web based HIV databases.
The B subtype of HIV-1 is prevalent in the developed world, including the Unites States of America. The nonB subtypes of HIV-1 are prevalent in the developing world. The Minnesota, USA, HIV subtype monitoring group determined a steady increase in nonB subtypes of HIV-1, in the state of Minnesota. According to the Minnesota group, the introduction of nonB subtypes, in a predominantly B subtype prevalence region, arose primarily through migrations. [11] Our global explorations suggest the findings of the Minnessota group to be true for all states of the United states, in particular, and the developed world in general.
HIV subtypes and drug resistance are systematically monitored in the developed world settings. Data on HIV subtype distribution and drug resistance are scarce in the developing world. Cost and complexity of required technologies are the major challenges to the developing world, to complying with international standards. [12]  pack] Implementation of the Biotech tropicana SMARThivDRmos will generate sufficient data to overcome the current scarcity of data. SMARThivDATABASE will organize these data and make them accessible to the scientific community for the development of strategies for controlling HIV drug resistance of nonB subtypes, in the developing world, before it even reaches the developed world. We deem the implementation of SMARThivDATABASE of urgent importance, in light of the current trends in globalization of the world economy, and of extreme importance for countries with high migration driven population growth, such as the United States of America. The United States previously identified the HIV/AIDS situation in the developing world, as a threat to its national security. [13;14]
[2]Biotech tropicana Systems.
[3] Biotech tropicana,IncGROUP Laboratories.
[4] Biotech tropicana,IncGROUP Laboratories.
[5] Eshleman S et al ; Performance of the Celera Diagnostics ViroSeq HIV-1 Genotyping System for Sequence-Based Analysis of Diverse Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Strains .

[6] Eshleman S et; Performance of Applied Biosystems ViroSeq HIV-1 Genotyping System for Sequence-Based Analysis of Non-Subtype B Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 from Uganda.
[7] Shafer R et al; HIV Drug Resistance Database.
[8] Calestous Juma,and Lee Yee-Cheong. Reinventing global health: the role of science, technology, and innovation.
[9]  Institute of Drug Resistance.
[10] The global HIV drug resistance network.
[11] The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), STD and HIV.
[12] YARI, A et al : SMARThivPACK.
[13] HIV/AIDS in Africa and US National Security
By Sandra Joireman Ph.D.; Associate Professor of Politics and International Relations, Wheaton College.
[14] Lauren Ploch. Africa Command: U.S. Strategic Interests and the Role of the U.S. Military in Africa.  
Category: My articles | Added by: Biotechtropicana (08.15.2010)
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