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Security Reports 1(1):2

A Computer Conspiracy Hypothesis

Aboubakar YARI1 & Venus YARI1


  1. Biotech trocana,IncSECURITY TASK FORCE



  1. Atypical behaviour of a computer node in the Biotech tropicana Systems.


Problems and solutions:


  1. download link inactivated 
  2. H: software attack or hardware damage
  3. Keyboard is bumped
  4. Keyboard up and down since previous attack



  1. Update drivers
  2. Clean any dust below Keyboard
  3. DO_NOT put any resource on parts b\c PC NOT SECURED



Keyboard bumps on and off.


L¡kely a gas is sprayed on the Keyboard. The gas has a bumping effect on the Keyboard. When the gas dissipates, the Keyboard returns to normal.


A ‘spray group’ and a ‘network group’ may be cooperating to incapacitate the computer network of the Biotech tropicana Systems. Yet incapacitating a single node computer in the large computer network, can not incapacitate the informatics capacities of the system. Therefore, the purpose of the attackers may be to divert focus of the Biotech tropicana Systems informatics program from Bioinformatics to general informatics, forcing us to invest time and resources in developing informatics capacities we don’t need really. The attackers may therefore be a competing interest group, that is playing nasty competition in a poorly governed business environment.  

The issues here also raise the questions of private fund versus public fund management. All properties of the Biotech tropicana Systems are acquired using internal private funds; in most circumstances private fund acquired through applications of knowledge, in knowledge for cash deals.      

Here, the opponents have no chance. Not only that our company network is large, our computer capacity in their field of specialization, is well beyond the DNA capacity of general informaticians in our field.  A combined advanced knowledge in both DNA and computer is essential to perform biotech operations as practiced in the Biotech tropicana Systems on daily basis.  Therefore, we are largely superior in combined DNA and computer capacities for bioinformatics; particular where both the computer and the DNA capacities are internal properties of the Biotech tropicana Systems.    


  1. The  Biotech tropicana Systems informatics program shall strictly  continue  according to established  internal protocols
  2. The Biotech tropicana,IncForensics in collaboration with the Biotech tropicana,IncSECURITY TASK  FORCE shall initiate an investigation  to identify the attackers.
  3. Where identified appropriate measure must be taken to clean them out away from the Biotech tropicana Systems.
Category: My articles | Added by: Biotechtropicana (10.28.2016)
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