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Security Reports 1(1):2

A Quick security lesson 1

  1. The late informer: friend of foe?

The late informers always inform; but late. They will re-inform of a deadly attack after the target has applied acquired training skills to detect the threat. They will propose solutions to the problem; suggesting that they are aware of the existence of the problem. Some informers manage not to be late. They inform in advance.

Scenario hypothesis

  1. The attacker and the late informer may operate in different cells coordinated by a higher cell. The late informer may therefore have good intentions.  The may be therefore be potentially friendly.   
  2. Alternatively, the late informer operates in the same cell like the attacker.  The cell sent the late informer in to make an assessment of damage done, if any by the attacker cell. In this scenario, the late informer is a foe.
  3. An early informer may be equally friend or foe. The early foe informer may provide information on least threat to facilitate the positioning of the target toward a worst attack context.  A friendly early informer may inform away from any type of threat.


Internal loyal informers should always be privileged over all other “informers”. Either you are with us or you are not with us principle shall apply. That’s it. No second or higher degree informer shall be permitted to operate on internal grounds. Information shall always be handed over to internal security units for processing.

Category: My articles | Added by: Biotechtropicana (09.30.2016)
Views: 224 | Rating: 0.0/0
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