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Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI, Owners

Myra YARI, Marketing Coordinator.

Biotech tropiana Systems.



Volume xx:

301) Self Attack

It’s majors versus people. When majors attack self, that is own people that select them to protect them

Volume 1: South pole.

Book Abstract:

The south pole is condemned to aid. Then they should be permitted to collect aid on which their very existence depends. Yet one free is clear, there is no free aid. Aid will always come with a condition. Then those who take the responsibility to accept conditional aid should be responsible of the management of the conditions on aid. Then control point must be imposed. That’s the tale of the new challenge of aid, conditions on aid, and territory management. What are the challenges and solution approaches, in the Circle republic of the tropics ?

Just read the full story in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON


301) Self Attack

It’s majors versus the people. When majors attack self, that is own people that select them to protect them, in the name of people

Volume 2: North pole

Book Abstract:

The north pole is self sustainable but now particularly in the leadership groups into complex alliances they are not used to and misunderstood placing the inherited sustainability and their people at risk Now the people who relied on their analytical and decision making capabilities are paying the cost then the south pole condemned to make alliances for survival and therefore used to manage alliances and the sustainable north pole not used to manage alliances have now to deal with one and same aid conditions based on alliances; then what outcome you expect to have? The alliance bound south pole has a selective advantage on management of conditions on aid for profit. The North Pole is threatening its sustainability without acquiring competitiveness in alliance making and management; a serious threat to the very existence of the north pole in the next few generations. The north pole will have to make decisions. Who will decide now for who? That’s the tale of a mutational process in development strategies between two contrasting neighbours and partners in development. What the outcome will be?

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301) Self Attack

It’s majors versus people. When majors attack self, that is own people that select them to protect them

Volume 1: Generation next

Book Abstract:

That’s where majors took their own people hostage, in the name of the people, an common interest slogan to serve personal interests. the very sustainability of the common good is under attack by irresponsible and selfish majors threatening the environment they all depend on for generation next. For a couple of an unnecessary community infrastructure used as alibi majors chose to destroy the sustainability inherited from previous generations and place on their irresponsibility.. who will fight for the next generation and the future. At one point, the people will have to take their own destiny in their own hands or face elimination. From the contest of nations Who will do what ?

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301) The mystic doc

It’s a mystic application supposed to contain a fraud: a fraud that can never confronted but may be used to fraud millions if not billions across the planet...

Volume 1: The mystic file

Book Abstract:

  1. is there any fraud in the mystic file? It’s not important. What is important is that a procedural fraud can make the supposed fraud not challengeable and raise the file above all norms to mystic: that’s the mystic file. The mystic will be a llot talk about but never seen. Does the mystic file exist at all ?that’s the story of a quest into the existence of the mystic file: an exploration into the world of myths.

Just read the full story in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON


301) The mystic doc

It’s a mystic application supposed to contain a fraud: a fraud that can never confronted but may be used to fraud millions if not billions across the planet...

Volume 2: The mystic thefts

Book Abstract:

Even without demonstrating its existence, the mystic containing a mystic fraud will be used to fraud billions across the globe. The mystic fraud is what it I; mystic. However, billions of fraud across the planet that are based on the mystic fraud are real, verifiable, and challengeable; nothing mystic in real frauds. How does it work.

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301) The mystic doc

It’s a mystic application supposed to contain a fraud: a fraud that can never confronted but may be used to fraud millions if not billions across the planet...

Volume 3 : De-mystification

Book Abstract:

De-mystifying the mystic doc means endangering the interests of billions across the globe who profits from frauds based on the mystic file: that’s the process of taking out the mystic file to clean it out from its myths and free the billions across the planet that are victimized by a myth. Can the mystic file be de-mystified ? Not without a fight. The interest groups gaining the myth will fight back not the victims but their own interests at stake That a myth versus reality confrontation. The mystic file with its mystic fraud is about come out for de-mystification.

Just read the full story in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON


301) The prosecutor’s bag

Volume 1: set up

The setting up of an apprentice theft

Book Abstract:

He executed the instruction he was given, word by word. He also received another instruction. Then he had the opportunity of choice. A choice between good and bad; a choice between wrong and right, a choice between real and fake. What was his choice? The apprentice theft made the wrong choice. How?

Just read the full story in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON


301) The prosecutor’s bag

Volume 2: the stolen bag

How the prosecutor stole the bag from a lower theft

Book Abstract:

The prosecutor held it tie: so that it won’t slip away. He had the bag, in his hands but nit his account. This bag can slip away anytime, stolen by another law mate. The same way he stole it himself from a less powerful apprentice thief. It was an ordinary bag, but the Arabic marks suggesting an Arabic origin. What’s the origin of the bag that worth so much struggle in so many lines? What and where the bag was destined to ? It doesn’t matter, the prosecutor had the bag in his hand and held it tie; that’s what matter for now. The prosecutor had his stolen bag, for what purpose?

Just read the full story in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON


301) The prosecutor’s bag

Volume 3: The mystic linkage

How the prosecutor applies the mystic file to fraud a smaller theft, in a chain of thieves.

Book Abstract:

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301) This war is won

This is the tale of the big man with a big gun and a small brain. This war s won, is about the defeat of the big man and big gun by the small man with a small gun and big brain.

Volume 1: Reasons for a war

Book Abstract:

  1. two mains reasons for a war: raw materials and market: properties that belong to others. They mis apptopriate properties of others for so long, that they come to bblieve that it belongs to them. They can get some, but based on terms set forth by the owners. Exactly the way they proceed wuth their own. Those people need help: to clean their narins from illusions and bring them back to reason.

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301) This war is won

Volume 2: Setting up war

Book Abstract:

Prevention , where possible is always better than treatment. To make sure that can continue stealing raw materials and markets, they must make sure that the real owner never aquiers the competence to compete with them for their raw materials and their own markets. The trio of illusions (t1, t2, and t3) will set and coordinate the prevention operations. T1 will initiate the operation of blocking diploma thesis to create a bogus and infinite diploma argument to secure raw materials and markets. T1 will block diploma on their own land. T1 may have taught that it won the blockage, by default. T1 did not win in war zone 1. Diploma seeker was seeking sor anothwr diploma instead. (war zone 1)

T1 does not have enough influence to operate in zone 2. T2 will be engaged for that. T2 will use its influence to block diploma thesis 2, in (war zone 2).

To ensure that another diploma thesis is not initiated, diploma seeker will be removed. AYet, a third diploma thesiswas proposed. Here, a cooperation between T1, T2, and T# will block diploma thesis 3 in (war zone 3)

Were the Ts successful? Nott exactly. The Ts could block activities toward diplomas in the public sector. It appears that the Ts were not aware of parallel activities ongoing in the private sector. Yet, the Ts did succeed in setting up a war. To win they rely heavily on alliances.

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301) This war is won

Volume 3: Setting up alliances

Book Abstract:

Some opportunities come along only once in a lifetime. You grasp them or the pass away. A small percentage of the budget of a country can be a big percentage of the account of an individual: the mystic account files are born. The wise of the Ts will now connect with the wise of war zone 2 to set the foundations of the new mystic alliances. The foundation alliance will set the basis for multiple others derived alliances to fight the third world war.: the white blood war. The alliance will now fight not only the solo diploma seeker, but any other similarly situated that threats the raw materials and the markets for the allies. The poor will also grasp the opportunities,, Unfortunately the poor did not fight for foundations. Every poor fought for self against foundations. Many will pay the ultimate cost of lost of foundation.

Just read the full story in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON


301) This war is won

Volume 3: Fighting a war

Book Abstract:

To win peace, one needs to the new type of war, any any arm is permitted. For some a mystic immigration file will be their best weapon. The mystic file is key to wining many valuable bags. We fought the war just by shifting. Issues from opponent control3ed ground to our controlled ground, like from administration to science. Our strategy for battle come out with rewards.

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301) Th3s war is won

Volume 3: Winning a war

Book Abstract:

Victory in a war means achieving own objectives. It appears the opponent strategy shifted focus to was to block all assets and put us down. Then take us from down to zones of interests to the opponent. The opponent was proven weaker. We shifted focus to evolve in other areas. By the time the opponent is coming to collect us from down, we’re far away above from down in zone, to win a war.

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301) This war is won

Volume 4: Learning from war

Book Abstract:

They hoped for a return to a past glory m when their ancestor ruled as lords of the old world. The new world settings turn their hope into despair. The songs of victory and glory have been sung. Instead, they heard only songs of mourning’s. They did not see the victory parade. What they saw were parade of coffins. It’s hoped that they will learn from the lessons of war to free their enslaved minds, enslaved by illusions of a past that has by n yow passed. It’s hoped, that the lessons of war will bring them back to reason. They don’t have the choice anyway. They will have to accept the realties of the new world settings or suffer its wrath.

Just read the full story in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON


301) A dynamic of poverty

Volume 1: bag against capacity

Book Abstract:

A bag is added as additional capacity in a capacity building program. The additional bag capital is designed to alter the initial design of a capacity building program, in a way to destroy the capacity program. The common citizen of the Circle republic of the tropics is educated to accept the additional destructive bag capital against the new wealth generating capacity building program in dynamic of poverty.

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301) A dynamic of poverty

Volume 2: a reward for poverty

Book Abstract:

Where the nag donor destroyed the new wealth generating capacity building program with a bag, an additional “reward” a wife is added to bring additional charges in a system that is already too poor. The equation is simple, the bag recipient is denied an opportunity to create wealth, an additional wife that may bring in additional children is added in the equation to make the bag recipient poorer in the long run: a dynamic of poverty.

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301) A dynamic of poverty

Volume 3: A circle of poverty

Book Abstract:

Here it is clear that the bag donor is conspiring to trap the bag recipient into a circle of poverty. The more bag ib line with the equation, the poorer that population in mid and long term: a dynamic of poverty. It is clear that the bag donor in line with equation above is a enemy, definitively not a friend. A friend would donate a bag to reduce poverty and promote wealth generation. Either the bag donor is conspiring against tye recipient or an intermediate between the donor and the recipient is the conspirator.

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301) Public entrepreneurs

Where enterprises must be owned by public officials in a market economy.

Volume 1: Attack on the conventional private sector

Book Abstract:

This where a new type of entrepeurship eemerged. Private entrepreneurs are systematically attacked by the very those who are elected to protect them. It’s all for the “common good”: a justice for the poor that makes rich poorer without making the poor richer. Who is then getting rich against the honest rich?

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301) A 301) Public entrepreneurs

Where enterprises must be owned by public officials in a market economy.

Volume 2: The soldier entrepreneurs

Book Abstract:

In the name of the new justice micro credit enterprises shall flourish to fund the new micro entrepeneurs: the soldiers of the new social justice. Private funds will become public in light of big television show in the name of the common good that never make good to the commons. It is the dawn of petty entrepeneurs that never payback their business loan or soldiers of the new public entrepeneurship?

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301) 301) A 301) Public entrepreneurs

Where enterprises must be owned by public officials in a market economy.

Volume 3: The emergence of public entreprership

Book Abstract:

With millions of petty soldier entrepeneurs on front on the ground new large private enterprises will emerge from public funds. Their public founders are the supervisors of public markets. The new public fund founded private enterprises will grow fast by winning markets decided by their founders. Competition is not permitted with the public owned private enterprises. The new enterprises that arose from no where will soon sing the songs of victory. Not for long.

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301) 301) A 301) Public entrepreneurs

Where enterprises must be owned by public officials in a market economy.

Volume 2: The private sector fighting back

Book Abstract:

The conventional lifetime private entrepeneursknow all the trick s of the biz. They will soon organize a tactical fight back The songs of victory of the public entrepeneurs will soon be changed to songs of confusion and despair. What’s happening?

Just read the full story in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON


301) 301) A 301) Public entrepreneurs

Where enterprises must be owned by public officials in a market economy.

Volume 5: The double soldiers

Book Abstract:

The public founders of private enterprises will soon learn at their own expanse when their petty entrepreneur soldies were turned gainst them as double soldiers. How the war was fought?

Just read the full story in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON


301) 301) A 301) Public entrepreneurs

Where enterprises must be owned by public officials in a market economy.

Volume 6: The fall of the public entrepreneurs

Book Abstract:

Death and chaos will soon become the norm in the ranks of the fund founded private enetrpreneurs. That’s the tale of the fall of the public entrepreneurs

Just read the full story in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON


301) Double fault

Where no double fault is permitted in public versus private.

Volume 1: The first fault

Book Abstract:

It all started with a nice contract agreement. There is a fund to execute a project. The fund is of public origin and voted for a public recipient. To get the fund the public recipient must demonstrate competence and ability to execute the project. The public recipient lacks the required competence to get the fund out. Through a contracted agreement, the private company will help develop the project and demonstrate the required competence. With the help of the private company the fund will be won. Once the fund will fall in the hand of the public, the public will disregard the terms of the contract and the objectives set with the donor. The objectives will not be met, and the project will fail: a first fault.

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301) Double fault

Where no double fault is permitted in public versus private.

Volume 2: The second fault

Book Abstract:

The private will independently meet the objectives missed by the public. Once the objectives met, the public will attempt through foce and intimidation o steal the result objectives met by the private company with private fund. The super public will opposed the failed public. “At least we have the private filling the gap for the country: You messed up one in two’ the country should have two programs, a public program and a private program working side by side. The small public messed up one program. WE won’t permit the small public messed up the only one private program now operating in the country. Then the country will end up with a zero” Argue the big super public. No double fault is permitted. The wisdom of the big public avoided a public versus private confrontation that would finish the public once foar all.

Just read the full story in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON


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