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The Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES


Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI, Owners

Myra YARI, Marketing Coordinator.

Biotech tropiana Systems.



Volume X:


301) The ABC of free elections

Where richer showed tougher discipline in saving and poorer showed tougher discipline in wasting.

Volume 1: The A campaign

Book Abstract:

  1. elections are free; anything is permitted to win.

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301) The ABC of free elections

Volume 2: The A campaign

Book Abstract:

The A campaign shows anything good achieved by the candidate.

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301) The ABC of free elections

Volume 3: The Untold B

Book Abstract:

The B harms and destructions done to society to achieve A remain untold.

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301) The ABC of free elections

Volume 4: The C campaign

Book Abstract:

C campaign has no candidate. They go for the people and the country. They perform A-B=C, to get the C. Their campaign shows C.

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301) The ABC of free elections

Volume 5: Confused voters

Book Abstract:

Who to vote for; A or C? The unconditional A voters go for the reward; forget about the country. Many good will voters became confused and stuck between A and C.

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301) The ABC of free elections

Volume 6:The pocketers

Book Abstract:

Analysis of most if not all A-B=C equations will come out with a negative C. Therefore, the more the A, the more negative C on a population wide scale. More negative C gainers are educated. The small minority of A showers fills its pockets at the expanse of the large majority of negative C gainers. The balance is a huge negative development gains for the country. The tragedy is that it is only the A showers who gains power by showing As, who can stop the losses and protect the negative C gainers. Will they have the courage and honesty to stop the filling of their own pockets? It appears the negative C gainers are in big trouble, unless someone from somewhere else chooses to help them.

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301) The ABC of free elections

Volume 7: Fighting back

Book Abstract:

This is when voters take their revenge on their misleading leaders. Voters going on top the candidates. It’s voters family versus the candidate’s family.

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301) The big stick

Volume 1: Fantasy women

Book Abstract:

They are five millions women with a single scenario concept of different stories. I’am supposed to be your wife because my parent decided so. However, because you did their story, I had to be the wife of X; and still your wife. And because I’ am your wife, your properties are also mine. I’ am entlited to your properties and I can them anytime I want.

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301) The big stick

Volume 2: The stick solution

Book Abstract:

With five millions women with five millions stories to take at least one each of your properties, you will end up with no property at all. You will have to come out with a solution to save some properties. The big stick solution is getting some results. A big stick on the head one fantaisy women will save at least ten properties by chasing away at least then fantaisy thieves.

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301) The failed state

Volume 1:

Book Abstract:

When a country must violate its laws, attack its own people, and release its sovereignty to foreigners to operate. Is there any state at all? When the state is dead, who command who? Cells of interest groups take over the state to protect their lives and their properties. Some may claim to be president” of which state? A stateless president is at best the president of own interest group cell. When you cannot protect my life , my properties, and my rights then you have no authority over me, said the people.

This is the story of the making of a failed state.

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301) Bag Collectors

When bags get all nations out of their minds.

Volume 1: the negative developers

Book Abstract:

To develop anything is permitted but work: a first in the history of development since the dawn of man. We wish them good luck within their territories. .

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Volume 2: the positive developers

Book Abstract:

With positive developers nothing is permitted out of work. They put work first. When others collect bags, they collect bag stories. Are the stories true or false? It is not important. They are worthy stories that can be transformed into more worthy books for sale. By selling worthy books, they become bag donors to donate bags to bag collectors. That’s what they did. How they did that?

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301) The Big lie

Volume 1: The Making of a no deal a big deal

Book Abstract:

A common issue or a no issue can be transformed into a big issue. What the issue is? Hard to tell. One may make rational hypothesis. One thing is clear the big issue is disturbing their progress into their work. This may be all the issue made from no issue and big lies. If there is any issue at all, why an opportunity of confrontation of facts and evidences before a competent jurisdiction is being tactically avoided. This is the story of a quest for an answer.

Just read the full story in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON


301) The Big lie

Volume 2: The bogus energy crisis

Book Abstract:

Who is targeting and destroying their alternative energy sources to create a bogus energy crisis? This is the story of a quest for an answer.

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301) The Big lie

Volume 2: Dirty competition scenarios

Book Abstract:

Anything dirty is good to delay advancement of the competitor in a chain bag. The bag collector will receive bags to do the dirty job. The nasty competitor will pay for the bag to steal the market from a superior competitor. Anything dirty is good to disturb the superior competitor from breaking essentials operational tools, to wasting time with repetitive time games, to diluting ability to do work with hunger pressure through attacks. It’s easy money for the bag collector, and stolen market for the bag donor who can advance in it activities while delaying a superior competitor. How does it work?

Just read the full story in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON


301) Stolen wills

When wills are stolen from tenderness, the average housewives become war dogs killer machines.

Volume 1: Actors

Book Abstract:

They all come in wilfully by accepting a promotional activity to promote self while promoting their country or businesses. Just a little nasty stuff to promote elections or business. That is.

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301) Stolen wills

Volume 2: Hostages

Book Abstract:

The naïve promotion activist is unaware that another candidate promotes herself by arresting promotion activities for doing nasty stuff. The naïve promotion activist will soon become hostage: a prisoner of nasty promotion activities. Her will does not apply anymore. Stolen wills become the will of the detainer of nasty prisoner. The former actor, now hostage will do nasty stuff under the will of the detainer.: the will of the detainer being the will of a higher will. The detainer will promote herself by executing higher wills at her own discretion in line with her own interests. A chain of interests is fuelled by nasty activities. The player and actor is now a hostage in an opened prison.

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301) Stolen wills

Volume 3: War dogs

Book Abstract:

By the time the interests of the higher detainer are met, the one time actor now hostage is seriously damaged in her body and soul. She will never recover her pre actor status of naïve housewife in the society again. Her harmed soul and psychics will transform her into a war dog ready to transform all her anger into a power of destruction. She becomes a war machine ready to destroy any target opposing her objectives. .The former actor and hostage is now a war dog, a killer machine.

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301) Stolen wills

Volume 4: salvation.

Book Abstract:

They are self made war dogs. Crime is their hobby. They harm, steal, and even kill sometimes for fun, sometime for needs. They are self made enemies of societies. The society will fight back by isolating them in tough prison. They also get their opportunity for salvation to become women of god. The deal is simple: to do what they knew best, crimes, to promote elections or businesses and earn big money for an eventual re-insertion into society. They are war dogs for salvation. Will they succeed in the mutational process of reversed opportunity?

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301) The Corner baby

Volume 2: city K

Book Abstract:

Assignment of any importance to the corner girl becomes a matter of investigation to mister X when a perfect yellow and black copy of the corner girl again ran and follow mister X on exit from the city court in city K. Are the events of the corner girl running and following up on exit in city Ac and city in K, isolated or connected?

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301) The Corner baby

Volume 3: The connection

Book Abstract:

Did the corner girl have any connection of importance beyond running after mister X across the closed exit and saying good bye?

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301) Value war

Volume 1: End value

Book Abstract:

They value anything of end value; end products, cars, homes, or any utility of end value. Anything of mid value is worthless tothem.

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301) Value war

Volume 2: Process value

Book Abstract:

They value processes leading to end value. Anything of end value is worthless to them.

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301) Value war

Volume 3: Confrontation of values

Book Abstract:

They will come into a confrontation of values.

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301) Value war

Volume 5: Super value

Book Abstract:

A super value will avoid the chaos by creating grounds for each value group to express their value within their territories under the supervision of a super value. .

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301) Blocker trucks

Volume 1: The immigrant in family

It’s trucks against family.

Book Abstract:

  1. the immigrant did show late sometimes; at party for example he missed the entry meal but did get some late drinks kept aside by friends. There is always a price to pay for showing late: sometime light, sometime heavy like the cost of uniting loves ones for a long period.

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301) Blocker trucks

Volume 2: The judicial bar

It’s trucks against family.

Book Abstract:

  1. the immigrant will at his own expense that you don’t show late before an immigration judge: it comes with a heavy penalty like a decade judicial bar to apply for reunification with his family. Sambo likes rules even when they are applied adversely against him. The rule is the rule. So what’s about the opposite? Where lack of rule becomes the rule. It’s annoying, when blocker trucks rule. Blockers are designed to block anything anyway. With a decade judicial bar Sambo could still meet his family out the jurisdiction of the bar applying capital. Blocker trucks will eb used to block access to capital while the decade judicial bar is applying. “You won’t get the capital unless you see the blocker truck The trick is that the scenario is set for Sambo not to ever see the blocker truck during the decade judicial bar. Then Sambo will never get the capital. Sambo cannot get his family the blocker truck is trained to block. .

Just read the full story in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON


301) Blocker trucks

Volume 3: The expiration of bar

It’s trucks against family.

Book Abstract:

One the date of expiration of the bar imposed by judge, Sambo rejoices. Sambo can now seehis family anytime. By order of judge, the bar expired.the truck designer will now design an opposite scenario. Samoo can now have access to the blocker truck. The blocker is now designed to replace the family. The pseudo family truck will prevent any reunification with family in a no judicial bar context. The trick remains the same. You won’t get access to capital unless you see the blocker truck. However, in a no judicial bar context the truck will appear and Sambo can see the truck.

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301) Blocker trucks

Volume 4: The funny trick of the truck designer

It’s trucks against family.

Book Abstract:

The trick of the truck designer becomes funny in a context when Sambo no more need the capital. During the capital blockade period, Sambo builts own capital free from truck linked capital. Then the truck designer must fail. The late truck cannot win for the truck designer in a no capital need context. The truck designer will have to use its trucks on different roads. Worst for the truck designer and the blocker truck, in a no judicial bar context Samo can see his family anytime any day, by order of judge. The truck designer has0ay tricks, but not smart enough for Sambo. What’s behind all of the tricks and the blocker trucks?

Just read the full story in the Biotech tropicana,IncBOOK STORES. COMING OUT SOON

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