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«  March 2010  »
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Security Brief
Security briefs

February 14, 2011

All units of the Biotech tropicana security task force activated under command of the founder

On January 23, 2011 we announce the closure of file_1, in a three files debt collection cases, through the judiciay system in Benin Republic. [REF 1].

Case_2 is of extreme importance to the Biotech tropicana Systems, not only for the money due to us for failure to enforce  private contracts, but also for the image of our company because of  the ethical and strategic implications with respect to guidelines, for failure to execute the project at issue, in the fight against HIV/AIDS in the developing world.

Biotech tropicana Systems are dedicated to providing « essential technologies » to the developing world. For the image of our company, it is important to us that our position on the issues in case_2, be clearly established. With focus now turned on case_2, the founder :


1)      1) That all security units under the Biotech tropicana security task force, be activated.

2)   2) The security task force is directed to assist the legal process, in the necessary investigations to gather essential evidences

3)   3) The tradtional « defensive » role of the security task force is also upgraded to « offensive ». Protection alone of the system does not suffice. In  case of attack on our system, the perpetrators must be found and punished, to deter further attacks. Yet, the security task force MUST NOT engage, unless attack.



October 25, 2010
Security task Force Unit Restructuration ordered
The founder congratulate the security task force for its execptional contribution in the Biotech tropicana Sysyems winning of the implementation war and the SMARThivTECHS war.
Now that all wars are won, a restructuration becomes necessary. the founder orders the leadership of the security task force to propose a restructuration agenda to the Board of aAdministation of the Biotech tropicana Systems. 
The founder aslo called for vigilance of the security task force during the restructuration process, to neutralize any sore loser attacks that partisans of the "old way" may attempt in the process of their retreat.
July 7, 2010
Donation traced back to disputed funds
Acoording to recent intelligence brief, from the Biotech tropicana Security task force, funds received as donation to  Biotech tropicana EXPLORER traced back to the $ 20.000 USD in dispute. The data emerged from analysis of documents included in the initial petition, heading to court in Benin, to claims these funds. It appears that substantial part of donation to the EXPLORER units traced back to the $20.000 USD. The founder ordered further  investigation into  the files.
June 14, 2010
No negotiation with terrorists policy amended
In the Biotech tropicana Systems, we maintained a strict no negotiation with terrorists policy that we strictly enforce. The policy is amended to include "any attempts to infiltrate  the system, not covered by law or a voluntary agreement, but by means of tactics of arbitrary force". 
The founder orders all units to strictly adhere to  the no negotiation of terrorists policy.  We are in the process of developing systems of market values of no less than 10 millions US Dollars each, working in the poorest settings of the globe, where average salaries range between 100 to 200 US Dollars. Our wealth per se, is a source of insecurity for us, particularly in light of the very competitive nature of the market share. There are stories that arbitrary forces in the settings, along with their allies,forge stories to infiltrate rich companies, for only one purpose, to steal.
We must take all appropriate steps to clear our company from the list of their victims.No employee, and no entity, in the Biotech tropicana Systems, shall not negotiate with terrorists, under no circumstance. We shall give them no opportunity to infiltrate our system. The priniple of "rule of law" is and must remain, the guiding principle in the Biotech tropicana security system. 
June 12, 2010
Security Status on Computer issues:
The founder thanks the security task force for its remarkable determination of a networked activities leading to the attack on our computer system. The founder recommends further investigation in that area to further elucidate the structure of that network, particularly  the international connections, to elucidate the faces and names within that network, so that charges may be brought against the perpetrators of the terrorist activities, where appropriate.
We cannot sit and wonder when the terrorists will attack our systems again. We must take the war into the lands of the terrorists, whoever they are, and wherever, they are.
June 10, 2010
Computer System Failure issues
According to the Biotech tropicana Security Task Force, the cause of the failure of substantial part of our computer system is endeed a terrorist act. An an analysis of the damages of the main labtop computer used by the founder suggest a deliberate calculated act. The non random paterns of the shocks must have  been intentionally inflicted to increase impact.
An analysis of the report suggest the shocks must have been inflicted by persons having close access to the computer. Analysis of all data related to computer attack suggest the attack not to be an isolated issue. The data suggest that were are dealing here with a network, and the orders to attack the computer may have come from places  very far from the crime scene, and may highly be related to our work and some "apparent fantaisies" designed to circumvent the legal systems, going on down here for a quite a well.
Primary data aiming to understand the structure of the attacking network suggest,  some indigenous groups (acting as a sub network) that may have members within our working groups. These indignenous group are likely connected to some low educated europeans (and possibly including non europeans) thriving around for a quite well, in both official and non official capacities. These europeans groups may be linked to other higher educated groups abroad.
The attack may be linked to the wrong market war. The wrong market war may be linked to the wrong aid war (under development for publication), both with some possible political connections. It is the opinion of the founder that, accumulations of frustations as the result  of numerous  failed attempts to steal or get over our work, may trigger these last violent attacks. The primary solution to diffuse that violence, is to diffuse those frustations, by expanding awarness on the benefits of  our work for the indignenous people, through education.
The founder therefore orders:
1) appropriate measures be taken to restore our working capability to full scale as soon as possible, by fixing the computer issues.
2) Activities of the Biotech tropicana Journal be increased to cover our public relations relation needs 
3) Educational programs on the benefits of the work conducted in the Biotech tropicana Systems for the indigeneous people, be developed.
It is so ordered 
Aboubakar YARI & Venus YARI
Biotech tropicana Systems
June 7, 2010
Attack on Biotech tropicana Computer System ?
The Biotech tropicana security task force is investigating whether the failure of substantial part of the Biotech tropicana computer system is an accident or a deliberate act of terrorism. The founder is awaiting the final report of the security task force for a decision on approaches to handle this situation. we warn that to any deliberate attack on our system, we shall reply.
March 7, 2010
Security brief_2:
Reply To Criminal Background Confusions:
By order of the founder, the intelligence below is released to the public:
Based on recent intelligence provided by the BTC-USA-RSA joint security task force, the "confusionist” competitors of the Biotech tropicana system are raising the founder’s criminal background issue in their desperate attempts to create alibis to justify their unlawful activities. According to the intelligence, the confusionists are claiming that the delay in incorporation of some of our units in the United States of America may be linked to the founder’s criminal background record. To overcome these rumors, here we must one more demonstrate that these rumors are frivolous.
The founder did create a criminal background in his record in the United States for failure to pay a traffic ticket. However, in light of the circumstances and applicable US laws our attorney has determined that the registration of the criminal record is invalid, and is taking necessary steps to withdraw the criminal record by paying for the traffic ticket. According to the attorney the registration of the criminal record is invalid because it violates due process. There is a due process violation where the founder was arrested for immigration violation controlled by civil laws and not for traffic violation controlled by criminal laws. Under regular circumstances, for similar traffic violation, the police does not arrest the traffic violator but issues a ticket directing the payment of a fine within a timeframe. However, under the particular founder’s situation, the police might arrest the founder because of the appearance in the police computer of a pending immigration warrant for failure to appear in immigration court. The founder did not pay the fine because he was detained and could not get access to his bank. According to the traffic judge, the maximal sentence for failure to pay such a traffic ticket is one week detention. The founder having being detained for more than a week by the city authorities, while awaiting the appearance of the "slow” federal authorities that issued the immigration warrant, the city traffic judge recommended not to pay the fine. According to our attorney, by recommending not to pay the fine, the city judge overlooked a more damaging implication, the creation of a criminal record. According to the attorney, the fine must be paid and the criminal background must be withdrawn from the system, to be consistent with due process.
Because the founder has no other criminal background, and because immigration violation is controlled by civil law, the founder therefore has no valid criminal background. Criminal background can therefore not be an handicap to the processing of our corporate affairs. It appears that the "confusionists” may have somehow get access to the founder’s record, may have found the criminal background data, and consistent with their confusion loving approach, may have spread the criminal background data for the purpose to discredit the founder, and gained an undeserved competitive edge, other our hard word acquired competitive advantage.
We delay some incorporations, to be consistent with our guiding principles. Our work aims to reduce poverty. We believe waste avoidance is a powerful mean of reducing poverty. We cannot recommend to other institutions to avoid waste, while adopting wasteful approaches in our own institutions. Improper incorporation of some units, could result in substantial waste for the corporation. All units will be incorporated according to our plans, in a productive manner. As previously stated we still stay open to those who want to work hard to produce results. We want to make clear to everyone that low performers and "confusionists” have no chance in the Biotech tropicana system.
March 5, 2010
Security brief_1:
By order of the founder,
the collaborative security task force releases the intelligence below: A careful analysis of available objective data, and deductive intelligence data suggests data the non payment of the debt from previous services (the small fish) by Biotech tropicana Corporation may be linked to currents attacks and currents attempts to steal some of the properties of the Corporation. Our intelligence suggests that the payment was deliberately blocked to prevent the founder from completing his PhD studies. Some the funds at issue was supposed to be applied toward completion of the founder’s PhD program. The non completion of the PhD program may then be used as a justification to steal more valuable properties of the Corporation (the big fish), using the mister (monsieur in French) concept. The parties behind the attempts to steal erroneously assumed that a PhD degree is essential to the pursuit of the Corporation innovation programs. Fortunately for Biotech tropicana Corporation and unfortunately for our attackers, this error has been fatal to the attackers strategy . Preliminary investigation data suggest coordinated actions of multiple cells of different origins and of different interests. The collaboration with United States of America and South African private security units is being proved productive. The founder ordered the pursuit of the investigations. As more data are gathered, the information of public importance will be progressively declassified and released to the public forum. As sufficient data are gathered, formal complaints will be filed with appropriate authorities in applicable judicial jurisdictions. Stay tuned and clean your eyeglasses to watch the raise and fall of the mafia.
Reply to staff misconduct rumors:
There are rumors that family members of the founders who are members of the Biotech tropicana, Inc EXPLORER may have been involved in some unofficial dialogs with others parties, without notifying the authorities of the Biotech tropicana system. Here, on behalf of the founder, the tech trial security task force aims to bring to the attention of the public that all family members of the founder hold a staff status, in Biotech tropicana, IncEXPLORER. As such, the constitution of the Biotech tropicana, Inc EXPLORER as registered with public officials in Benin Republic does not permit any staff to take any unsupervised decision on behalf of Biotech tropicana,Inc EXPLORER. We warn all parties against potential unnecessary lost in "frivolous” arrangements with the staff without following proper communication procedures, as declared to the Benin Republic public officials. According to Biotech tropicana, Inc EXPLORER constitution registered with public officials in Benin, all business with external structures must be supervised by the founder or the associate founder. We hope this communication will help external parties avoid unnecessary lost in investment of time and other resources.
Category: Tech Trials Security TASK FORCE | Views: 693 | Added by: Biotechtropicana | Rating: 0.0/0
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