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SMARThivGLOBALmos Trials Links
On November , 2007 Biotech tropixcana,Inc proposed SMARThivPACK, a complexity and cost  effective "three" tests  Combo kit model   for  improving HIV patients laboratory moniroring standards in the resource poor settings. SMARThivPACK proposed a three levels  strategy   for achieving  "cost effectiveness" and "reducing complexity" , while   improving treatment quality.   See   abstract in SMARThivPACK at, keyword: SMARThivPACK
On January, 2010  we lunched the preclinical trials of the SMARThivTECHS, one its objectives is to establish the attainability  principle    of the second  laboratory implementation level cost and complexity reductions, as propopsed in  SMARThivPACK.   By Mid March 2010, using card simulation  we  demonstrated the  attainability of the LIFE  BOX laboratory and its mobile version, the "Mobile Life Box".
With the data accumulated through the pre  clinical trial,  we  decide to lunch in paralel, the simulation trial of the third  level    cost and complexity reduction model   of the Biotech tropicana, Inc SMARThivGLOBALmos, a  global coordination cost and  complexity reduction model.     At the third level,  the Clinton Foundation HIV AIDS  Initiatives (CHAI)  previously demmonstrated the feasability of achieving  "cost  effectivness" while improving anti HIV drug accessibility to the resource-poor settings. We hypothesize that the CHAI  strategy applied to drug distribution, may be applied to technology distribution.
The CHAI    strategy relied heavily on  management principles. Available at
 Our SMARThivGLOBALmos relied heavily on technical aspects of technology  distribution. Available at
Category: My articles | Added by: Biotechtropicana (04.15.2010)
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